Originally Posted by OldColdDawg

That can be a problem. The problem is you need to wait for the supply to be depleted. The daily fix is for crude right out of the ground. As price goes up, usage drops, so there is still a lot of crude in the pipeline that has to be used up before the new starts to be used.

There may be some fudging on the price...I don't call it gouging like that simpleton does...but it isn't gross IMO. Now if the price of crude continues to drop and the retail price doesn't follow, then we might have something to talk about. All the drops are recent news and this simpleton who doesn't have a cluse is all up in arms. Lets see what happens over the next few weeks. In the end, the laws of supply and demand can be a bit slower with commodity's because there are usually vast supplies in the bin. Retailers, and even the wholesalers are going to be slow to adjust their price until they have used up what they have already purchased.

You see this all the time. You have two gas stations on a corner who usually have similar prices. Then one day you see one of them selling for 5 cents cheaper. That means the guy selling at the higher price still has a few thousand gallons of gas in the ground while the other just took on a new load at a cheaper price. The station selling higher is trying to gouge people. They are trying to keep from losing their ass on that tank full in the ground.