All this hate on Baker calling him a 8th grader and such cause he said its time to move on when the Browns Ownership, FO and HC goes and woos a sex offender to come here and be the face of the Browns franchise all the while totally burning the Baker bridge. I can fully understand him being hurt - I would not want to work for my Employer if they did the same thing. The Browns FO went all in on the Watson deal throwing Baker away. So I get it but the error is all on the Browns that was one of the most incompetent handling of a situation I've seen. Somebody was a dumb bell in this all and it wasn't Baker. What a bunch of Morons. I suspected this way back when I made a thread questioning our usage of Baker. I hate being correct but unfortunately I was. Right when this kid is ready to do special things for our franchise we go and disassemble the wholes thing. Might as well fire Berry and Stefanski.

Un believeable...thank goodness Watson is not coming here or I would have to seriously think of giving up on the Browns. But now these idiots made a mess of our QB department. Baker is gone he will sit out the season Heal up and get strong maybe even work on his speed. Then he will go on and do amazing things for ANOTHER TEAM cause of these idiots. They should have done NOTHING if they didn't like Baker and after this season. Let him go or sign him big. But we burnt the bridge and when he says lets move on we act surprised and How dare he. We messed this thing up - As you can see the FA are lining up to join these Browns rolleyes