Originally Posted by Steubenvillian
As for the moral police on here, once the winning begins, I hope you all stick to your guns. I can't stand hypocrites.

Says the man who thinks not supporting a sexual predator makes you the "moral(ity) police". There's a difference between being the moraiilty police and not supporting a total scum bag. Maybe you need to figure out the difference.

Many say they won't root for the team anymore, I say don't let the screen door hit you on the way out.

And I hope the next victim of a sexual predator isn't someone you love. I mean if you want to talk about someone changing there position quicker than they can take a breath. And as far as those who support a sexual predator? Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass while you abandon every ounce of moral fiber you ever had in order to make excuses so your team will win football games.