I just want to say that I do appreciate you sharing your perspective on this. Along the lines of "everyone is allowed to feel what they feel" on the topic, I appreciate hearing a perspective that I could never even begin to fathom. My daughter will be born next month, so it's gotten me thinking along those lines. Generally, I don't appreciate people trying to bash others over the head with their opinions/beliefs, but I don't begrudge you for getting passionate after what you went through.

Part of me wants to bury this in my back of my head forever because it's just sports fandom, but I do subscribe to the "toleration is acceptance" and "voting with your wallet" mindsets. Ignoring this would be hypocritical, IMO.

I also appreciate whoever opened up the "deal only" thread. Keeping that thread specific to the football and financial side of the trade will allow both to breathe, IMO.