
I will say this about the situation. Today's press conference was hard for me to watch. The media went after Berry and Watson hard. There were some things that neither party could answer because there are civil cases that have not been concluded.

I do feel that there is going to be a ton of negative attention on Watson and the Browns. I don't watch sports for controversy. I love the game. I don't want politics, religion, race, social issues, or legal matters to be the focus. I enjoy escaping from those everyday issues when I watch sports. But, I know this story is not going away. There will be a cloud over the team for quite some time.

Unlike some, I will not indict either side. I will not say the attorney is trying to make millions off of Watson. I will not say the Texans put him up to it after Watson said he wanted a trade. I will not say that racism ran rampant in the Texans' organization and that is why Watson wanted out. I will not say that the massage therapists are trying to exploit Watson. I won't say any of those things because I do not know the truth. I am not going to be on some sort of crusade to slander one side or the other. I don't condone that type of reasoning. For example, why I think Baker stinks as a qb and I don't like his character, there is a reason I have not jumped on the CheeseCake parking lot and having sex w/Higgens' woman rumors. I have no idea if they are true or not and I will not slander Baker's name for such accusations. Honor knows where and when to draw the line.

I think this part is important......so, for those of you who like my posts....please consider this. I believe some people are so maniacal about their beliefs that they feel this need to relentlessly attack those who don't agree w/them. It's the primary reason I left this board a year and a half ago. I never understood why it is so important to get others to agree w/you. State your case and live w/it. Why do people need approval from others to justify their stance?