But that’s the anomaly, like I referred to. The Republicans views of McCain and Romney - let alone Nixon (who wouldn’t even recognize what the party has become) clash with the Republican views of Trump. So, either your views coincidentally changed to reflect the respective candidate, or you let the party determine your views.

You don’t think those very same or very similar criticisms you cited couldn’t be used against the candidates you just said you voted for?

Your views reflect an engrained core value that, when challenged - even rationally - triggers a fight or flight response. That’s not just to isolate you, either. It’s rampant in this forum, amongst everyone, myself included. To me, it’s about how conscious we are of when we get triggered and us enabling ourselves to think that maybe, just maybe things aren’t what we thought they were.

It’s awfully hard to escape that construct because you have various media outlets and political cartoons, like the ones you post, that reinforce the lowest common denominator of our fear and anger to reinforce our preconceived notions and therefore control us into thinking we must be loyal to one person or throw proverbial feces at another, as if we were our less evolved primate cousins.

No…what makes this country great is our ability to be disloyal to a person…disloyal to a party. It’s the ability to say “Yeah I voted for you originally, but I think you acted like a schmuck and did a poor job, so I’m voting you out, because I don’t have to be anybody’s cheerleader.”

Sadly that dynamic has become reversed and I think Swish was right in his assertion that some are just looking to be controlled.