Originally Posted by PitDAWG
Originally Posted by Bull_Dawg
Originally Posted by PitDAWG
Far fetched accusations with no viable realistic reasoning has nothing to do with scientific methods. More like some crazy conspiracy theories we see prevalent in our society today. Those two things are not the same.

You can't keep consistent logic for 3 consecutive sentences. One would think that "far fetched accusations" and "crazy conspiracy theories" would be the same thing.

Clearly, your logic is not to be trusted. Fortunately for Watson, your idea of what is viable and realistic, or crazy, has no bearing.

And as I said that you seem to gloss over to show intent, none of that has anything to do with scientific methods.

There's nothing scientific about throwing out accusations that all 22 women must be lying.

There's nothing scientific about trying to act like a very successful attorney that has never been before the bar on any type of disciplinary action is suddenly "rounding up" a bunch of liars and not vetting them. That's tilting at windmills. You are the prime example of why women are afraid to come forward when being victimized this way. Because when they do that, people like you question their character, their honesty and the experience they were forced to endure. Well done.

I didn't throw out accusations. I never said they were all lying. I presented the hypothesis that they could be lying. Then I went looking for evidence. I'm not being picky and only looking for things that will support my hypothesis and pretending everything against it doesn't exist, like you.

Apparently you think women should be afraid that people might want the truth. I'd think people should want other people to want the truth to matter. If no one can question anything, you might as well tell every potential gold digger (or lawyer looking for a payday) to have at it.

If a woman is assaulted, she should report it when the evidence is fresh. We should normalize that. Questioning isn't/shouldn't be about shaming. It should be about getting to the truth.

You don't seem interested in that. You've already concluded that Watson is guilty, so you're only looking for evidence to support that. You're paradigm bound.

You are the Don Quixote you keep alluding to. The accusers are your Dulcinea. They're women you don't really know that you've imagined into defenseless people that require your personal protection. You're the one that keeps tilting at the same sensationalized monster, based on bad arguments, while ignoring some facets of reality.