It is good to see you lefties getting worked up about riots. I wish your angst wasn’t so selective but it is a start. I am glad you are so concerned about the 100 injured police officers. I assume I can find a past post with you decrying the 2000+ injured police officers that were injured during the “mostly peaceful” (laugh laugh) riots during the summer of 20. I know it is out there.

Joseph goebbels said that if you repeat the big lie often enough people will start to believe it. The left spent 3.5 years lying to Americans about Donald Trump. You know, he was a Putin puppet, a Russian asset, a commie in the White House. Despite all the lying Americans knew better and they will figure this one out too. There was no insurrection, no treason no sedition. According to the FBI there was no organization behind the event.

I do not know anyone who was there January 6. But I would bet my social security that if I gathered all of them, 600 , 700, 800, however many there were, and told them America is under attack from a foreign power , will you defend her, the answer would not be “yes”, it would be “hell yes!!! Where is my gun. Now this contrasts quite sadly to the quinnipiac poll of democrats, of whom 52% said they would not defend America under attack. That is 52%!!!

So if I need somebody to have my back I know who to pick and who to avoid.