The Other Front Lines

I wish to share with all of you, this opportunity to spend time on the ground in Kyiv, Ukraine.
War has global implications, to be sure. War is also personal af.

1. Go here.
2. Click/stab/tap/jab the arrow in the circle, to get a listen.
3. Gain some new perspective about the Eastern European people who are now in our news every day.

These people have made a Democracy that is roughly the same age as America's, when we fought our War of 1812. They are fighting for not only their lives, but their principles, ideals, and sovereign status as a free people. I was happy I encountered this story, and I wanted to give My Dawgs a chance to experience it, as well. If we are going to discuss this subject/these people, we owe them the courtesy of hearing them personally tell the tales of their lives. We have a daily diary here, folks. Let's better know Ukrainians through the eyes of those who are living it.

Then we can talk.