Originally Posted by OldColdDawg
Got to agree with you 40, the violence has begun. It started with an all out assault on women's rights and norms in this country. Now cities will burn, people will die, all in the name of Christian religious righteousness. All I'll say is stupid is as stupid does; GOPers, you asked for any violence that comes. You can't steam roll 70% of the country, shoving your religious crap and personal beliefs down their throats and expect zero backlash or reaction. This summer will be bad for all of us now.

All of the divides can be traced back to GOPer BS. All of it. So when they get around to coming for you, don't call me.

It's scary to know that he is a real person and not some psycho fictional character. And people will overlook it if they belong to the same political party. Whacked!