LOL.......I knew people were going to criticize the boiling method and the sauce.

In regards to cooking, I make us a large breakfast on the flattop griddle. Bacon, eggs, and home fries. I sometimes make latkes instead of the home fries.

For dinner, I make meals that require all-day cooking or resting time. I'll make homemade sauce for lasagna or other pasta dishes. My mother was Italian and her family was/is renowned in the cooking community. Or, I'll prepare stuffed peppers and let them marinate in the tomato base all day. Or other things like beef stew, potato soup, wedding soup, pasta fagioli soup, chili, or I may prepare a standing rib roast w/an herb and garlic paste and let it sit in the fridge and then take it out 3 hours before cooking it to let it get to room temperature. What I don't like to do is start cooking a meal from scratch once the game is over. I really enjoy watching the other games on TV and I have 2 TVs going in the Bonus Room where I hang out.

As far as the time of the games. I like to drink a few beers when I watch the Browns and I feel guilty if I start drinking around 1:00. That's pretty early to be consuming alcohol when you are at home. The 4:00 game means that we have to eat dinner during the game and I like to really analyze the game and let's be real's hard to be very attentive when you are stuffing your face full of food.