For the record.........I did not post "BS." I have been running a small business since last May. There are plenty of incentives in addition to unemployment that provides incentives for people NOT to work.

I am not asking anyone. to agree w/me on the merits of whether that is good or bad, but they exist and calling it BS doesn't change the reality of the situation.

Personally speaking and I'm not asking anyone to agree or is my belief that our society is in trouble when we provide incentives to not work. It is my opinion that when one strives to improve oneself---whether it be through education or hard work---he/she is not only taking empowerment of their own state of affairs, but also empowering our nation.

John Smith came to this land long, long ago...........>>He had a mantra: “He that will not worke, shall not eate.” That is how our country was built to be the great country it has become. We work hard. Immigrants flocked to this country for better opportunities, whether they be economic, political, or to escape religious persecution. I'm proud to be an American. I'm proud that my family came from nothing and succeeded due to the opportunities that this great country has provided us. I am proud to see how anyone who has the "want to" can succeed in this country if they are determined enough to overcome the obstacles in their path. No, things are not always fair. Some face stiffer challenges than others. But, there is no Caste system in this country. We go out of our way to help those that are facing dire circumstances. But, while one can lead a horse to water, one can't force the horse to drink. Corny, but true.

One more thing...........and I can write a book on this...........but, I am actually on the side of the poor and those who face prejudice. I dedicated a huge part of my life trying to empower them. I completely despise the "Woke" crowd who brainwashes those people that they "need" handouts and are owed something. Psychologically, you are telling them they are not good enough to earn things on their own. That they are dependent upon the good will of others. That is a terrible thing to say to a youngster. My message has always been that you might have a tougher road than others, but that just means you have to fight harder, be better, be more resilient, more determined.........and if you can find success. I told them I believe in them w/all my heart. That they are not inferior. They are not less intelligent. That they do not need to rely on others to put bread on the table. Instead, I encourage them to outwork others and grasp all that they can from life and to take advantage of the laws that and programs that can assist them. No shame in that. But, by God................NEVER EVER, rely on the pity and handouts of others. Take empowerment of your own life! And all y'all enablers can kiss my behind if you think otherwise.