Folks, I know I am late to the party but I have been trying to read up on everything that has been written about DW. But even if he had sex with 3 therapists, if it was consensual, there is nothing there. If he did not force any of those women to stay at his house, or force them to touch his privates, then just like 2 GRAND JURIES came back with NO CRIMINAL charges!! Also, lets say DW did try to get those women to touch his privates, again, if he did not force them or prevented them from leaving, then at best, he is a creep!.. Not Rapey!! And BTW.. Ben Rothlisberger went in a bathroom and tried to RAPE a woman!!.... So what can u gonna suspend him on, being a creep?? Not when you have let previous dudes attempt Rape!!.. And for the record, Brett Farve was harrasing a woman and sending D**K pics!

Again, what more do we have from the two women who spoke out?? If I'm missing something, let me know