Just to end the conversation on my part, I have never advocated we do nothing. I just said magazine size would be discussed. I wouldn't be adverse to maybe the age of 21 for some types of firearms.

I also advocated a strong police presence in the schools, with common sense restrictions on entry points that are open, and having parents or some sort of volunteer program for having more eyes on the ball on a daily basis.

Some laughed it off, saying I wanted the PTA involved...well you know what, that wouldn't hurt a damn thing. We just saw a lot of parents wanting to get involved a few days ago. As I said then, time is critical. That gives people a chance to prepare and respond.

I will even add that I would be all for various school administrators, teachers, whoever to be trained and armed. Start shooting some of these freaks dead 40 feet inside the building will put a end to much of this crap.