Originally Posted by Squires
If you implement gun control measures that are successful, the shooters will move on to something else. Guns are not the only way to mass murder people. Personally, I want to stop these kids from murdering people regardless of how they do it. Too many people want to tunnel vision on guns. Putting doors on airplane cockpits would stop another 9/11, it did not stop terrorism altogether.

Other than an explosive device, what weapon other than a semi automatic weapon can you kill so many, so quickly? And I agree with you that it would not stop all mass shootings. But as we have all seen, many of these, especially mass school shootings have been committed by people 18-20 who have purchased them legally. I'm not a big proponent of gun control. But I do however believe that if there is an obvious demographic who we can target which will help reduce these mass shootings we should use that as a way to reduce them.

"No Billy, I can not sell you beer. Society has decided you are not mature enough to use alcohol. But if you like you can go to Big Jim's Gun Emporium and purchase two AK-15,s several 30 round magazines and thousands of rounds of ammunition!"

Air bags do not prevent all deaths in auto accidents. But they help greatly reduce them. I think air bags are a good idea.