Originally Posted by steve0255
Just as Waston (and Dog for that fact) has every right to claim his innocence, the women also have the right to claim his guilt. Where individuals fall in their belief of one side or another is nothing more than public opinion. That's a right everyone has whether you like it or not.

They have the right to claim his guilt, if he's guilty. If not, they're looking at perjury, libel, and slander. They at least have some knowledge of what actually happened.

Do other people without direct knowledge of the situation really have the right to claim that someone they don't know is guilty of something based on hearsay?

People may have the right to their opinions, but with that right comes a responsibility that is all too often forgotten. For some reason, some people seem to be afraid to admit what they don't know.

Other people have the right to hold the opinion that a rush to judgement is problematic and a symptom of our falling apart society. They have as much right to their opinions as you do.