The end game is total ban. It won't be done outright but that is the end game. It gets hinted at from time to time. When they passed the FSA of 2013 here in MD one of the assembly people asked "So how do we take the guns away now?". He thought they passed confiscation, not just bans of sales.

Beto said "Hell yay we're gonna take em" then backed away from it when he failed to get his nomination. He's back at it.

The end game has always been a complete ban. It isn't a secret, it is just hand waved away.

Here is how gun control works:

Anti: We just want to ban these for common sense.
Gun owners: Well, ok as long as it's just that.
Anti: We just want to ban these for common sense.
Gun owners: Didn't we ban other stuff?
Anti: Yes but now we need to ban more.

Repeat. The compromise that is talked about is "give up what we say now or it'll be worse later". There is no logical reason a Barret .50 shouldn't be allowed, and since that is how it works, no they should not be banned.

Not. One. More. Inch.