
Things really are getting bad. I don't know how many people realize what all of this is doing to our nation's small business owners. I have two small businesses. Really small, especially one of them. But money is tight and a lot of folks are having to do w/out or put things off. Working their butts off and paying more and more for goods as inflation soars. Meanwhile, we care so much for people's rights and taking care of others and they freeload more and more. In one of our businesses, I often go to the homes of regular guys like me. Everyone is worried about what's going on for those of us who work and always foot the bill. Meanwhile, I also call on commercial accounts and was able to secure two large apartment complexes as their vendor in our particular home improvement area. I have to enter the apartments to take measurements and give the management company quotes on the repairs they are requesting. Crazy amount of drug use. People not working. Laying around. Filthy. Babies w/unchanged diapers. I was at one apartment over a three week period of time and the damn smoke alarm was beeping the first time I went and remained beeping throughout. Lazy and disgusting.

Meanwhile, in our community, there is so much talk among people about just how many Help Wanted signs are out there. None of us have ever saw so many. I am not sure if that is the case in other communities where you guys live, but it's amazing. And sure enough, there are pan handlers at traffic lights right by multiple places that have Help Wanted signs on display.

This is not working!