Originally Posted by THROW LONG
The people of this world, would have you focus on mass shootings, and focus on death, (those who hate God love death)
and they'd pipe it into your home by broadcast, hour after hour day after day.

But God says, whatever is pure, whatever is Holy, whatever is of good report, on these things focus.

Anyone who understands the Words of God, who understands what was told to Noah after the ark landed on dry land, how God would require the life of man, at the hands of every mans brother he would require it.
Anyone who worships God and not man or others, Anyone who has not turned their back on their first love, they get it.
The people of this world, they do not get it, the scribes and the Pharisees, and the atheiests who have done such, as to deny God, who loves them so, they do not get it. Halelujah.
Gods' kingdom is not of this world.

That's all well and good - but what of the word of Allah? or Buddha? what of El Shaddai ? What of Brahman or Wahaguru or Jah ??? Don't they get a say too?