Originally Posted by Versatile Dog
I am not a Republican. I don't take sides. Aligning oneself w/one side reduces objectivity because it does not allow one to examine each topic/situation on its own merits. I don't blame the poor and the Dems for everything. Quite the contrary. However, I will assign blame on any party that deserves blame in a particular situation. In the case of how policies affect small business owners, I am indeed entitled to point out the Dems actions. On another topic, I will assign blame to the policies of the Republicans. Unlike guys like you, I don't limit myself to supporting one side all the time and blaming the other side all the time.

Just for the record, I respect good ideas and good solutions regardless of where they come from. There just haven't been many good ideas or solutions coming from the right since 2008. And if you pay attention, you will see me crucify dems from time to time for their stupidity too. Ask Pit, he knows I will go after dems when I think they are wrong. Not talking about Pit being wrong, he just knows I do it.