In and out in 1 day. I am absolutely shocked at how little pain there is. I had a nerve block that will last 24-36 hours and I'm sure it will not be so pleasant after that. I had the surgery at 9am, and was out of the hospital at 6:30pm. They had me do 2 bouts of physical therapy to make sure the new joint was functioning correctly, assess the range of motion and to teach me the exercises and everything I have to do at home to hasten the recovery. I'll be using a walker for a few days, but I actually can climb steps. Right now, the knee hurts much less than it did prior to sugery, and my range of motion is really good according to their charts. I just took a Percocet as recommended by PT as a pre-emptive measure (along with lots of icing), but I'm not having much pain. Hopefully I won't be regretting this post in the morning, lol.