I was going to reply to the discussion but you stated precisely what I was going to write.

It was all about timing.

After four years and investing in a quarterback with the first pick. Haslam and company came to conclusion. These are my words. But, it is what I believe they came to decide.

Baker took them as far as he could. They could continue with him on a year to year basis and hope to win it all.

The team roster was in position to win now. Their best players were in their prime now. In three to five years changes would come. They understood that there are no guarantees when acquiring or drafting players. They knew the team was to good to be in the draft lottery for a top college quarterback. In addition it takes a few years to be ready and drafting is far from a sure thing.

Watson cleared the grand jury with no indictment. Rarely if ever does a team get the chance to land a 26 year old top five quarterback. They measured the risk. Three number ones are worth a 26 year old quarterback like DW if you have the team behind him to win now.

This next point is pure speculation. Haslam could very well been assured by Goodell that DW would not get a full year. Goodell works for the owners. If Robinson were to say a year. Goodell could say half a year. I do not think it is over the top to believe that Haslam and Goodell spoke.

You can never guarantee a SB. But DW on this Browns team gives them a good shot at winning something they have not won.

In regards to DW off field. Again I am writing what I believe to be the thought process of Haslam. "It will blow over." It will take some time and it will be unpleasant at first. But over time we will rehab the DW reputation. He will be our quarterback and he will win. People are forgiving. People also move on. Haslam was willing to lose those that would hold a hard line and hope winning will draw more.

Time will tell if Haslam's risk was right.