Originally Posted by THROW LONG
To anyone who knows the LORD GOD, outer space would not be interesting to them. Outer space is unreal and probably a fake observation, one can look up with their eyes and see the stars in the sky. The heavens declare the glory of God.
One can look up with their eyes and see the stars in the sky, but it is important not to lose sight of the reality that life is spiritual, and mans physical reality ain't squat. So people should not get caught up chasing fake false whatevers,
so why? To say, Don't focus too much on this outer space stuff.
and as with all why questions,
the eventual answer is because God is a Holy God.

So we as humans are to have no desire to explore the world/universe around us? Are we still supposed to be living in dirt floored cob house and reading scripture all day while our kids die of cholera because no one is looking towards ‘worldly things’ like science and medicine?

How about this?… God DID create all of this. He also created us with complex brains we can use to navigate our way around His creation and think beyond just one book. Maybe He created all of this FOR us to explore and be brought to wonderment by. Maybe it’s an insult to Him if we sit in a cave and live dogmatic lives only willing to look to the sky in hopes of seeing Him while ignoring all the He created.

God or no God, how space doesn’t bring some sense of wonder to a human is frankly… weird.