To add another wrinkle to the issue, though, I would posit that the country has been pilfered by many politicians who assert they are moderates, but are in fact self-interested. They just appreciate the stability, so that nobody questions when they start siphoning money and power for themselves. Then they got too greedy with it, and then they got called out for not actually doing anything. Then the blame game started, both internally and externally until it gave way to the extremes and more radicals.

The real problem is the politicians far from the center are the only ones with actual plans. I’m not saying they’re good plans, or effective plans, but they’re plans. The people in office who profess to be “stable” moderates are still sitting there with their thumbs up their butts. They can’t even come to agreement that their insider trading is wrong because that goes back to their original gravy train.

Looking at groups like the progressives, we may not always agree with what their solutions are, but at least they’re calling out legitimate issues and offering something. They’re calling out the wealth gap. They’re calling out the student loan bubble. They’re calling out medical costs. What are the “moderates” doing? So far, Biden hasn’t done nada that I’ve seen to address his campaign promises in these areas. The Republicans’ - and Manchin for that matter - only solution is to talk about how bad the Democrats are. The only Republican I’ve actually seen come up with a plan - good or bad - was Rick Scott, and he was EXCORIATED for it from his own party, who basically said “Stop being proactive! We’re just trying to wait for the Democrats to fail, and just obstructing anything they put forward!”

Drives me crazy.