and by the way, people who keep claiming this is a fringe or minor aspect of conservatism are straight up liars.

straight. up. liars. i'm so sick of the both sides BS. clearly ONE side is trying to take away freedoms in this country. clearly ONE side is trying to turn this country into a theocracy by christian rule. clearly ONE side is willing to use violence against the federal government just because a billionaire claimed the elections were rigged.

you always hear the "omg both sides urrrrrgg" trash the moment they don't have any meaningful defense for the crap that's happening. yall wanna whine about both sides, go make a thread for it. or make a thread highlighting the far left.

because i promise you, the far left aint doing anything NEAR the garbage the far....nevermind, it's not the far right. it's just the right, now. cause this is mainstream conservatism. our crazy leftist are actually still considered crazy.

conservative fringes are now in complete control of the GOP, and the republican voters are supporting them more and more.

imagine being so oblivious and ignorant to your surroundings that one party is actively attempting to legalize discrimination against women and the LGBT, but having the audacity to claim both sides are at fault.

whats the other side at fault for? trying to keep their freedoms? oh the horror...