Originally Posted by Rishuz
My guess is the following is going on -

1. She wants to make sure there is no appeal by the NFL. An appeal by the NFL makes the entire process a sham.

2. She cannot find a way to give the NFL what they want because their case doesn't support what they want.

3. She doesn't want to give 0 games making points 1 and 2 moot. But we are probably talking something small ...2 to 4 games.

4. Instead of issuing 2 to 4 games and making a sham of the process with an NFL appeal she is urging both sides to come to a settlement. Even a settlement will keep intact the integrity of the new process.

5. Watson's side knows the NFL has no case so they have no interest in settling. I think they are daring the NFL to appeal and counting on the backlash of such a scenario to maybe make them think twice.

6. I think the NFL, the most crooked organization in the country with the most crooked commissioner in the history of sports, does not care at all about making a sham of the process they agreed to. They want that indefinite ban with a one year minimum. The NFL, who is Roger Goodell, will appeal to well...Roger Goodell, and he will get what he wants.

7. Robinson knows this and is stalling. Wouldn't surprise me at all if she resigns if her decision is overturned.

8. Sue Robinson is a fictitious person.