Mac I know you are just publishing this, so this is not pointed at you...

The decision needs to be released. Freely and publicly and openly. Not as a commodity slipped to an reporter who is either on the NFL’s payroll (literally) or who has put someone at 345 Park Avenue on the Christmas chocolate list. It need to be posted by the NFL and the NFLPA at their websites, now.

What a freaking crock....
We do not "NEED" this to be public. We want it to be public. This, essentially, is an internal business matter. What other company in the US has to publicize the results and happenings of their internal disciplinary process??? If Joe factory worker in the UAW was brought up on charges and had a disciplinary the UAW or the Auto Company posting everything for the whole world to see? No...

Yes, I want to know too...but "need"??? Seriously??? I am most interested in her document and conclusions...And her document will give me a better picture as to how to handle this situation....that doesn't mean I am entitled to them.

Take a step back are not that important.