After reading Robinson's ruling I am left ill at ease.

I have spoken to my daughter and daughter-law. My daughter follows no sports at all. My daughter-in law is from Australia and has become a Browns fan through my son who I have also spoken to on the subject. I listened closely to all of them. None of them are ease with any of this whole thing.

i completely understand Robinson's ruling. But how she got there is what I was waiting to find out. Like you I am conflicted about "assault." I don't know how to get to what "non violent" assault is?

It has been my opinion all along that the process was inherently faulty. Robinson clearly pointed that out.

I am and will remain a Browns fan. Whatever is decided in the end. I will accept.

Watson's "behavior" in the end is unacceptable however it is defined.

He is a 26 year old man. Myles and Hunt are also young men who play for the Browns. Their behavior was unacceptable as well. Both were suspended by the NFL. Both of them were accepted back. Both of them have done a lot to rebuild their reputations.

I will give DW the same oppotunity.

For me in the end I wish none of this was under consideration. I just like to watch my team win football games.