anybody caught the boot licking for the right wing authoritarian viktor orban at the CPAC?

Hungary's Viktor Orban fires up Texas conservatives

dude is a certified racist, and yet conservatives gave this dude a standing ovation. as i've said before, this isn't fringe anymore. this is absolutely mainstream conservative beliefs. the dudes like oob and dawg05, understand that you are officially a minority amongst your own ideology. there is way too much evidence for anyone to claim that this doesn't represent the bulk of conservative americans. christian nationalist......anybody who's read up on world history knows what happens next when people who identify as christian nationalist gain control...

the both sides BS is so stupid. only one side is trying to turn this country into a christian ethnostate. only one side is blatantly arguing against our secular government. only one side is trying their best to self segregate from FELLOW americans who don't look like them. only one side is waging a war against women, the elderly, and the LGBT.