
I've stayed out of the debate around whether DW is a dirt-bag / sexual predator or a guy misunderstood / scammed. I'll never know the real truth regardless of how worked up I get about it...BUT...

Following up on Bone's comment...who/what exactly is "the NFL" that is appealing the decision of the person put in charge of making the decision? Saying "the NFL" when the appropriate word is "Goodell" is a lie...plain and simple. It is - and always has been - Goodell.

Now "the NFL" gets to appoint a person outside of "the NFL" - who is completely aligned with "the NFL" - to be the guy to decide what is "fair"...even after the person mutually agreed-upon to be "the decider" has...decided. There is a new process...that process was followed...that process has been ignored and exposed for the farce that it is.

This trial/hearing/whatever is a joke. (Note: That is my opinion on "the NFL"s "appeal" here. It is said with no opinion regarding DW's guilt or innocence, the judge/non-judge decision, determination or commentary.)

It is unfathomable to imagine the Steelers, Ravens, Raiders, Cowboys, Patriots, etc having to sit and wait for "the NFL" to met out it's self-defined justice...again.