So an IRS agent arrives at a Hebrew tabernacle for an audit. Because he is a big conservationist he begins hassling the rabbi about whether they are doing enough recycling.

So Rabbi, your church buys a lot of candles. What do you do with all those drippings? Well, the Rabbi says, we collect all those drippings and send them to the candlemaker and every once in a while they send us a box of free candles.

Hmm. The IRS agent is impressed. Well, good. We also notice you order a lot of motzah balls. What do you do with all the crumbs and leftovers. Oh we collect them and send them back to the baker and every once in a while he send us a box of free motzah balls.

Well the IRS agent was not done. We notice you do all lot of circumcisions here. What do you do to properly dispose of the foreskins?. Oh we do not dispose of them. We collect them and send them to the IRS. The IRS!!! Why do you send them to the IRS??? Well, we send them to the IRS and every once in a while they send us a [censored] like you.