Originally Posted by Jester
The problem is that these candidates used election denial to win the primary. Many are now scrubbing that from their websites. There will be a lot of people who don't realize their true stance.

Lots and lots of screenshots.

The internet is forever. Find their previous comments, hold their feet to the fire.

Ask them: "[X number of] months ago, you said [insert heinous thing here]. Now, your webpage has changed, and you seem to be promoting [insert slightly less heinous thing here]. What exactly do you believe regarding this subject, and why should any voter believe you, when you've already given them two different opinions that don't match? Were you lying to the people in version one, or were you lying to the people in version two? And a follow-up question- is the next thing that comes out of your mouth another potential problem for you when fact-checkers get to work on your newest answer?"

And I don't expect the press to ask these questions in this fashion. They're too interested in playing "both sides-ism" to ever call out blatant lies and backtracks. No, those questions should come from regular folks like us at town hall meetings. Public exchanges that get captured on 20+ cell phones as it's happening. Real People grilling shifty candidates who want to play Billy Badass in the primaries, but then try to soften their 'look' to appeal to a general audience as the general election approaches. It's our responsibility as voters to expose their game to each other. Democracy ain't a spectator sport. An informed, energized electorate is the best hedge/defense against politicos who play this crap.

Call them out.
State times/places. For the record.
Keep the heat turned up all the time. On all of them.

WE are the crucible that can burn away the impurities.
Democracy only works if we're all involved.
