Originally Posted by Day of the Dawg
Originally Posted by Swish
Originally Posted by Day of the Dawg
Originally Posted by Swish
Originally Posted by Day of the Dawg
Good for Italy! It is nice to see Europe elect leaders with morals again. Would be nice to have those kind of leaders in this country again. God, Family, Country. That is not fascist. That is leading with a moral compass!

good for italy to elect a far right fascist with ridiculous echoes of mussolini.

oh thats right, she started her political activisim with the party formed by the supporters of missolini, praised mussolini, and uses neo-fascist logos in her campaigns.

just want to remind you that those same fascist aligned themselves with hitler and the nazis. maybe you dont remember history, but italy WAS part of the axis of evil, after all.

but let me guess day and SBD, this time 'its different'.

Putting family first is not fascist. It is freedom. Putting your country first is not fascist it is freedom. Rejection of globalism is a rejection to actually losing your freedoms. The globalist leaders do not want you to won land, your house, anything. People need to wake up!

so are you saying mussolini and hitler shouldve been on the right side of history?

Quit going extreme. Hitler and Mussolini were wrong in every facet. Conservativism is not fascism. She is country first family first. That is not fascism. That is not who she is or who conservatives are. They tell us all the time that the south is racist because of the past. And it was. But history has proven to us as the south became more conservative it has also become far less racist. The same party that has now started antifa is the same party that started the kkk. Think about that for a minute and let that sink in.

but she's clearly not a conservative. she's clearly a fascist. she was LITERALLY part of a neo-fascist party that praised mussolini. Day, how are you really trying to ignore that FACT right now?

i had asked this question to the board:

what is it about conservatism that just attracts you guys to authoritarian figures and/or outright tyrants? really strange.

and MAN are the responses i'm getting.....whew boy. that question is definitely being answered right now.

conservatives seem to be attracted to authoritarian figures, because they either can't recognize the signs in real time....or they LIKE those figures....