Originally Posted by Swish
only thing i hate about gas prices is the gas stations themselves. need more digital payment pumps. i dunno who picked their nose then started touching the screen before pumping the gas.

I never put them there. I smear them on the pump handle.

I hope you know I am kidding, but am trying to point out the handle is probably you biggest point of worry. That is why I keep hand sanitizer in one of the cup holders and reach for it before I re-enter the car.

I knew a guy who said he got drunk and took a whiz in the hotel in room coffee maker. I am pretty sure he was kidding, but it got me thinking and have never used on since...I thought of this as I am sitting in my hotel room and looking at a coffee maker at the end of the desk.

Not to hijack things, and I don't think this person was kidding...in days past the ice machine was just a bin and you scooped the ice in to your bucket. He said after a bit of melting he found a toenail in the ice.

After that I started drinking my bourbon neat when in the room.