Put this in context. Before the election trump stated (paraphrasing) we will declare we won no matter the outcome.

This came out in the hearings yesterday.

trump's complete disregard for democracy, the constitution, and rule of law is blatant.

Everything he has done points to one conclusion. trump is a party of one. He cares about nothing else. His 14 page letter with pictures of crowd size?

What? His mind is like a vinyl record with a deep scratch.

30 people in trump's inner circle have been subpoenaed. They have taken the 5th. They feel their response will incriminate them.

To actually consider any vote to put these people in power is close to treason.

Democracy is not a given. It will not last if the votes of the people are not honored. trump wanted to stop all voting when he was ahead and all the votes were not counted. He wanted to throw away the votes not counted. Think about that.