I think the dems, Monday afternoon, should flood the airwaves promising to end all Camp Lejeune lawsuit solicitation... that could be the tipping point.

IMO, what Pit said is entirely true; and very hard to overcome.

Since we've been through two farcical presidencies now (1.5, but who's counting), I find myself often asking "what would Obama do?". He would have addressed the nation a while ago with a well-worded speech, explaining all the reasons for the inflation and some things we can do to "save ourselves" while we ride out the storm. He may have even admitted some fault, and what he would change in hindsight. He wouldn't be running around screaming "Putin's price hike!" ad nauseam.

Our last two presidents have made an absolute mockery of themselves (and the office) with their endless, childish, narrative recital. Thinking that if they repeat it enough, everyone will believe it instead of talking to people like adults. Unfortunately, we've entered an age when all these dolts are sold on "lockstep", it is that which will be the dem's undoing on Tuesday. jmo