Originally Posted by jfanent
I'll be at the campground helping with a controlled deer hunt for handicapped hunters. I'll be able to sneak back to the camper to catch snippets of the game.

The hunt was a huge success. We had 17 hunters who took 21 deer the first day and 6 the second. It was an archery/crossbow hunt. Most of the hunters were wheelchair bound, and we had plenty of volunteer guides who took them to the blinds and stayed with them if they wanted. The looks on the hunters faces just made our hearts melt. It was a well run event, with meals provided. The blinds were set up 2 weeks ago and baited regularly. It was cold, snowy and windy, but these hardcore guys hunted all day until last light. Some came back to the shelter house to warm up for a while and went back out. They all came in for lunch though. 12 returned for the second day on Sunday, most scored the previous day and were holding out for a big buck. A guy I used to work with who's paralyzed from the waist down took 3. He donated 2 of them to charity, as did some of the other hunters. All had a great time and did the park a huge favor by thinning the herd, which was sorely needed. I was able to catch parts of the game....what I did see was pathetic.