Originally Posted by hitt
JMHO, it's the bell curve and human nature- dumb/lower 1/3 plus black crime = so guys keeping their homes safe. It be dumb, but welcome to humanity. AND when you say black crime has nothing to do about it, REALLY. Truth check, as a white man, walking at ten PM thru black community in ANY major city- do you feel safe- I didn't. Same feelings for black walking in white neighbor- probably. Folks feel safer around their own kind.
That is funny as hell. As a white guy I don’t feel safe necessarily where I live and that is rural NE Ohio.

Read Civil War By Other Means by Jeremi Suri to get a bit of glimpse as to how the South won the peace.

If I had been president I would have destroyed the South entirely. Every member of the CSA army and government would have been executed for treason. But no, and so they were able to impose quasi-slavery while also crapping on poor whites.

The country was founded on slavery. That other countries had slavery or that African tribes sold their enemies is irrelevant. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade existed as regards this country because disgusting sub-humans thought they should be allowed to own other humans. And let us not forget the destruction of indigenous people. The country is soaked in blood.