I've had 4 hernia repairs in the last 22 years, all by the same surgeon. The first was "open" (left inguinal), the second was laparoscopic (double inguinal), the third was umbilical repair and the fourth was "open" (double inguinal again). By far the most painful was the fourth. They sent me home with a week's worth of dilaudid and it took about two weeks to feel normal again. But then, I don't have a particularly high tolerance for physical pain.

The umbilical was easy.

The double laparoscopic was by far the easiest of the inguinal. Sore for about a week, didn't really need meds after about 4 days. Like you said, they do it through three points on the abdomen but don't cut you open with the scalpel - that tends to cause the most pain. The'll use a tiny camera attached to the abdominal tripod thing and fix you right up in about 45 minutes. They sent me home about 2 hours after that surgery.

As an aside, the double open one a few years ago was hopefully my last. The dilaudid drove me about half nuts at home- I woke up at one point and found myself watching a "Jersey Shore" marathon. And liking it.

Laparoscopy is not a big deal, it's the way to go. You'll be up and around in a few days. Cheers.