I have never seen players react as emotionally as what we witnessed last night. It was evident something tragic was occurring even before we got news about filbulator and CPR being administered. I wanted to turn away, but could not. Desperately praying for a good sign or encouraging words. They never came.

I was also disgusted by the NFL's reaction. A 5-minute warm-up period? Those players were devastated and in no condition to play. I give Zac Taylor a lot of credit and he has earned respect. He and McDermott talked initially and during that 5 minute period, Taylor walked back across the field to meet w/his McDermott again. I think the two men agreed that their teams were not prepared to play. That deserves recognition.

The NFL put out some statement that was more about covering their ass than it was heart-felt sympathy. Another bad look for the big business that is the NFL. I don't want to hear how much you care about your players.

In the end, I won't make any medical prognostications as I have no knowledge of such things. Like millions of others, I hope and pray for the young man and his family. I can only imagine how horrific this entire ordeal had to be for his poor mother. Like Ryan Clark said, your own child is "always your baby" no matter how old they get.