Originally Posted by Ballpeen
Originally Posted by dawg66
Originally Posted by jfanent
WTH? They're showing the bungles over the Browns in NW Ohio. That's a judgment call that's not going to fly well around here.

I don't understand it either, I'm 45 minutes north of Dayton and this are is split 50/50 between the Bungles and the Browns so I would expect northwestern Ohio to be even more pro Browns.

NW Ohio is also full of Lions fans. It isn't a solid Browns nation in that part of the state. At least there the Lions are in a different conference so you can see people with 2 teams in which they have rooting interest.

I know that there are a bunch of Lions fans up there being that Detroit isn't that far away I was just comparing the number of Browns fans to Bungles fans up that way. I can usually watch the Browns on one of the Dayton TV stations unless we play the same time and on the same station as the Bengals like this week then I can usually watch the Browns on one of the Lima stations but not this week for some odd reason.