So, I had my annual physical. I am seventy-five.

Everything checked out. I am good physical condition. Check.

The doctor mentioned that as you age it is important to work your brain. Anything where you listen, learn, and interact.

I decided I wanted to learn Spanish. I took Spanish in high school. I lived in Guatemala for six months many years ago. And I lived in New Mexico which of course has a large Spanish speaking population.

I looked at the various on-line courses like Babbel, Rosetta Stone, and Pimsleur. After reading comparisons. I decided on Pimsleur because it is based upon speaking. Being conversant. It is basically learning like a baby learns. Babies don't learn grammar and reading first. They learn to speak in conversation. What is this? How to ask for things.

I have gone through 12 half hour lessons. Usually doing two per day.

As you age your memory can be affected. You might be able to remember things from long ago but forget recent things. So, I knew this could be a test of my cognitive memory.

So far I am having no problem. My memory seems to be working well. I remember the lessons and conversations from day to day. In fact I find I am remembering words I learned in 10th grade.

Pimsleur is a great way to learn a language. There are free trials and the price $15 a month is reasonable. I find myself looking forward to the lessons.

It is important to do it everyday. My goal is to be relatively conversant in six months. I am not trying to pass a test or anything like that. I just want to see how I do.