He also spent a good deal of time in front of the Senate going toe-to-toe with Al Gore's wife. As I recall, it was an instant classic.

Frank spent a lot of his time sounding the alarm. Censorship of music, censorship of written word, book banning, theocratic influence in politics- he saw it as all the same... and all coming from the same dark place.

I do too.

It's the same naked lust for power and influence that has been at the core of Mankind since groups were formed. This time, it just happens to represent itself wrapped in holy cloth, carrying a cross in one hand, and an AR-15 in the other. Just another version of the same old thing, since time immemorial.

I don't need to look at the 'team.' I don't need to look at the specific trappings or iconography of each version. I look at the behavior.

I stayed awake in History class.
I was raised by a dude who lived through the WWII part of my History class.

Different mask, same villain.
