"Choosing natural immunity" keeps entering every COVID conversation. I've never, ever, ever (and I've said this many times on here) said people should choose natural immunity. If you were one of the 100 million+ who already had COVID before the vaccine, you didn't choose anything; the virus made the choice for you.

From that point forward, studies from all over the globe were pointing to the validity of natural immunity (compared to vaccine) as a means of protection for those that have already been infected. From the very beginning, before any studies were even done, the EU vaccine 'passport' allowed travel for those who had recovered... because it was grounded in science.

In the US we gave no thought to allowing such behavior and claimed it was ignoring science.

One point of view was influenced by hundreds of years of science. The other had no scientific basis was based solely on politics.

Those who 'disobeyed' or used their own choice based on their own individual considerations were: sequestered longer, fired, not allowed admission, kicked-out, blacklisted and here at DT, actually blamed for the virus itself.