Originally Posted by jaybird
Originally Posted by superbowldogg
Originally Posted by PerfectSpiral
Originally Posted by s003apr
Department of Energy?

I say we wait until we hear from the IRS.
Or the Forestry Department.

One of sixteen intelligence agencies asked by the Biden organization to investigate the issue.

this was already discovered years ago.

It spread from a rip in a scientist's PPE in Wuhan.

Where have you seen those specifics?

I've always felt it made more sense that it was a lab leak... I like to believe it was accidental... but have always felt that it likely was a lab leak...

1. My uncle was part of a team who did the genome sequencing for the virus.
2. It was very well known in the community that it came from the Wuhan lab.
3. They were working on modifications of the coronavirus at the WIV for quite a while.
3a. *There has never been a virus (unmodified in nature) that makes you lose both your taste and smell the way covid does.
4. The US funded the study of SARS at WIH through Grant R01AI110964 https://taggs.hhs.gov/Detail/AwardDetail?arg_AwardNum=R01AI110964&arg_ProgOfficeCode=104
5. The smoking gun was these 3 lab researchers had Covid-19 before everyone in Nov of 2019. They went to the hospital where it started to spread. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/heal...ied-3-wuhan-lab-researchers-who-n1268327