Interesting that Ms. Nicks shows up just now.

Almost exactly a year ago, I flew to Phoenix to visit one of my Best Friends in Life.

We became best buds back in the early 80's. 2 years of everyday face time on the job, and we became friends for life. Absolutely brilliant musician. Deep intellectual. Multi-layered personality, with a deliciously malicious wit. The last time I visited him in PHX was the week when John Lennon was slain in front of the Dakota. I flew out last year, because he'd been telling me of his cognitive decline, and informed me that he didn't know how much longer he'd still be himself.

I was there for a day, when he said he'd invited his longtime local music pal over to jam for the evening. I didn't have my cello, but he owned a mandolin, which I could play reasonably well (it's tuned just like a violin, so there is a 'family familiarity' that allows me to get around on the instrument). I'd been hearing about this brother ever since By moved out there, so I was keen to meet. Turns out, he'd heard a ton about me as well. Years of anecdotal stories from our times in the trenches, and all.

So, dinner's wrapping up, and My Boy & his wife are talking while plates are being scraped, and clean-up is underway.

[She]: I wonder which Al will show up- Big Al, or Little Al.'
[He]: "My guess is 'Transitional Al'... there's a new tour coming up- but he loves him some some eats..."

The doorbell rings.

She opens the door, and yells, "Big Al! long time, bro!" By starts laughing. "I guess he's not slimming down for the tour yet-"
A big Hispanic dude with curly, shoulder-length salt&pepper hair, a guitar and a huge, broad, blindingly-white smile walks in, and gives massive bear hugs to She & He. It had been a good long while since they'd all been together, but it had the feel of "Old Home Week." He then looks at me and says, "So you're the infamous Clem I've heard so much about, all these years. Did you bring your axe?"

"Axe" is a slang word for musical instrument in the Jazz world... it refers to the tool we use to chop/shred wood (music on paper... 'going to the woodshed' means getting deep into practicing).

[me]: "Nope. I wasn't paying for an extra seat on the plane, and I'll never trust My Girl to baggage handlers. But I think I can limp around on this little piece of crap your boy has lyin' around his crib-

Big Hispanic Dude LHAO, looks at My Boy and says, "He's just as advertised." He then sticks out his hand as says, "I'm Al. Glad to meet a fellow playa."
Note: as we shook hands, he specifically made a point to NOT say, "player." That's when you know that your reputation has preceded you. Using the "er" pronunciation is a secret, coded pronunciation for "pretender."

For the next 3 hours, a happy noise was made at My Friend's home. 3 bros did stuff together that most Dawgtalkers Folks could only imagine for themselves.

At one point, Byron looked at me and said, "My two favorite musicians, making noise with me. What a great night!" When it was done, and Big Hispanic Dude had left to go home, She came up to me and said, "This was the happiest I've seen him in 3 or more years. You guys helped me to get My Baby back... even if for only one night."

And then, she hugged me as if her life was at stake.
I lost contact with My Dear Friend in the Summer of 2022.

AZ Brown: I had just spent that entire evening throwing down notes with Al Ortiz, bass player for Stevie Nick's touring band.

Here he is, with my bass-playin' bro, Byron Lipkins, in a cover of Midnight Rider (Allman Bros Band).
Byron Plays With Al