Originally Posted by Ballpeen
I agree.

If you have the money, top level pro sports teams are a great place to park your money.

There isn't a person in here who wouldn't like to be the owner of a pro team.

You kidding me? If you win the coach gets all the credit and if you lose then the owner knows nothing. smile

As a side note... 20+ years ago there was an opening for Gm for the Orioles. My sweetie sent a resume and nice cover letter that said they kept losing she could be the scapegoat and if they win she would credit the forward thinking of ownership. She got a hand signed response from Angelos thanking her for her interest but saying "currently all the candidates we are considering have professional baseball management experience". It was a good natured response from a, rumor has it, grumpy man. She framed it for her office wall and it followed her until retirement.