Originally Posted by WooferDawg
It seem to me that the one of the tenants that this country was founded upon is difficult for some to understand and accept.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Perhaps one of the most elegantly stated thoughts ever crafted by any man. It is not difficult to understand, yet we have fought wars over its application.

I try to live by those words. Treat others equal.

I agree w/you. On the other hand, I think there are people that place "pursuit of happiness" far ahead of equality In order to be "equal" you have to also produce. Some folks want to pursue happiness and expect others to provide their pursuit of happiness to them while not carrying their own share of equal responsibility. I am also in agreement w/John Smith who came here long ago and said something like "You don't work, you don't eat."

My wife is 71 and is still working full time as a Nurse Anesthetist. I am 66 and still working and trying to run two small businesses. One of them is a Home Improvement business and it's hard to find people willing to work. I have bid and secured some large jobs in Apartment complexes. Young, able bodied males are smoking weed in the morning when I go there. Some are still in their underwear later in the afternoon, smoking more weed, and watching TV. They talk about the "club" they went to the night before and how much "blank' is out there. They don't work, but they can afford weed and clubbing. Meanwhile, old folks like us are still working.

Is that "equality" or "entitlement" and "exploitation?"