Originally Posted by PitDAWG
Yet you believe in your interpretation of it. As an example. Somehow you seem to think that somewhere in that second amendment there's some right to own 30 round magazines. Somehow it seems you feel that infringes on your right to keep and bear arms. That's exactly what you accuse others of. An interpretation that's clearly not a part of the second amendment. You can't claim you're promoting the plain text of the second amendment when you are twisting it to include things it clearly doesn't say.

I believe the words "shall not be infringed" mean exactly what they say. I don't be you have a right to "own 30 round" magazines. I believe you have a right to own as large of magazines as you wish to own. Why are 30 rounds so scary to you? Would you be ok with 29? You continue to use arbitrary reasons to deny what the plain text says:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Oddly it doesn't say "except for".

You don't believe in the constitution as it is written, you believe in only the part that suit you. You are the problem you whine about.

On edit One other thing. And see if you can keep up on this.

I don't think the constitution GIVES me anything, especially with the second amendment. You obviously do not understand what a right is. The constitution PROTECTS the rights I HAVE. It does not GRANT me the rights. It is there to keep the government from stepping on MY rights. Until you understand that, you will always be anti-constitution and will always rationalize away rights you find distasteful.