Yeah I think you are correct. I guess what it addresses is some of the noise people were making about addressing the S position in the draft for me. Firstly, if you're going to invest 230 million guaranteed in a QB it makes sense to invest in a WR. Tillman brings a type of WR in strength and size the browns were lacking. IMO some of the younger WR's on this team are being grossly overvalued by the fan base. My guess is that this FO and coaching staff agree, when we see the signing of both FA's and a third round pick at the position.

When you get to the fourth round and beyond, my question in the draft forum at the time was who they thought could be drafted at that point in the draft who would be a major contributor right away at the S position when people started carrying on about neglecting the position?

You see, sometimes when people use a microscope rather than a telescope it restricts their vision. The draft wasn't the only avenue to address help at the S position. Once you get to the fourth round, a FO and coaching staff has to ask themselves if it would be the best solution to draft a player at the position than it would be to sign one of the available FA's still left at the position. Sure they could do both but that won't address an impact now. And if you need an immediate impact at the position more times than not you'll find that in free agency than the draft once the draft is that far along.

And then there are June 1st cuts. So often times they can see better solutions elsewhere other than a fourth, fifth or beyond draft pick.